Monday, September 29, 2008
@ 3:57 PM

las monday end wif 250pm...
afta 2 years...
earli in da morning...
b4 doing anything...
mdm lee came 2 da klassroom ..
gave da whole klass a monday morning talk...
this is a her style lo seriousli..
scold ppl w/o tellin da name...
how many times liao...
luk tt so not fun la..
i tink she tried 2 create da mystery effect...
so we will be guessing hu da person she's refering..
ya i no KP...gossiping...
bt being a sec 4 studnet..
its not tt easy 2 get influenced by huever da person wah...
if a person was so easli get affected...
tt means his/hers determination or will power is nt strong ..
so which means is nt tt person's fault...
is da one hu was being influenced at fault...
today ..teacher can help by telling dun neg influence others...
bt in da future how...???
also depend on others mei???
if liddat better live inside a cave...
so no one will influence or pressurise huever da person is...

or may be my mind think diff from others...
jus lyk da milk prob in china...
蒙牛 and 伊利 is da top 2 brand in china...
their products is da expensivest...
and da prob this time doesnt start wif this 2 brands ..
is other brands...
is lyk onli 4 babies died..or maybe there's more.. i duno..
bt how can da public saying is da milk's problem????
this is very very ridiculous...
yes da milk has problem..
da 2 brands of milk compained mi until i was 12 yrs old...
so i din die wad...
onli 4 babies died =milk's problem...
dan wad abt other babies in china...??
other teenagers??? da whole china's population ???
if da milk contribute 2 da death of da 4 babies...
dan china's population will be gone b4 nx year...
ist true ?? ...
y some died ??n ther's others hu still alive..??
weak immune system...
lack of white blood cell of cos...
they r jus so weak against the wadever disease...
da money and resoures and time were wasted ....
it takes how many years 2 creat 1 brand???
jus bcos 1 man 's stupid mistake...

bt OTOH...da person realli no moral ethic lei...
by add in da mela###...
jus bcos of this 1 stage..
factories r closing down...
how many ppl losing their jobs???
thier income...
and wad happen 2 da 'milk farmers"?
cows were killed ...
use FRESH MILK 2 water da plants...
jus bcos 4 babies died...???

this world is wrong...

maybe i hav a warped mind...
bt this is how i tink...

I would want to live longer...

Sunday, September 28, 2008
@ 10:04 AM

cooker spoiled ytd...
so good lo now realli dun nid 2 eat liao...
ate burger king ytd at westmall...
i wonder r ther any1 change their mind 4 da promp ermm lunch..
esp afta reading da long long post by jeremy ...

I would want to live longer...

Friday, September 26, 2008
@ 1:53 PM

Happy Birthday to sijia n agnes(in a few days time):D
look carefulli ..
sijia bcom a 87 years old ah ma...
nv know through flour on other ppl is so fun....
i tink da hair is da best:DDDD
evenli spread...
better going 2 salon lo...
harharhar is so funny...
sijia has a new name..
tt is -Muffin

y i feel so irrtated at home????:(
las nite quarrel wif my mom again...
bcos i couldn't find da small piece of cloth
which i used it to polish my hp...
she always anyhow touch mi thing lao...
n dun put it back...
she denied it btw...
when can end???
i was alr in a bad mood b4 tt cos da Geo paper...
onli flip through da paper alr felt my anger....
there's this very FUNNY qns drom riverside sec...
'how does rapid deforestation in Amazon forest impacted singapore?'
Amazon forest is in Brazil,south America..
and singapore is in SEA...
deforestation in kalimantan,Indonesia will affect singapore..
u no..haze then wind blow...blah blah blah...all da crap...
Amazon forest is far away frm singapore....
so how does it linked???
i nv no tt Brazil is beside singapore???
pls dun tell mi global warming....
nx week will be da last week in hillgrove....
da most disappointed things is onli 6 ppl wan 2 go..
quite sad la...
hu want go chinatown in da first place???
mr Loh said i am ..ermm wad soul...
wad da word he use???
ahha betraying...
very humorous lo...chinatown is Singapore...
its called chinatown doesnt mean is in china...
so it gt nth 2 do wif soul...
n i dun have a soul in da first place ...harhar...

and and and...
i dun have aneroxia..
is called change in food preferences...
i dun eat carbohydrates tt all....
i prefer non-staple food...
simple as tt...

I would want to live longer...

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
@ 9:05 PM

wad da fuck man...
endure ..endure...
mom probali will left mi some money b4 she go back china later tis year...
nt a huge amount to a working adults lyk my dad...
bt its consider quite alot to a student lyk mi...
i am sure tt my dad dun mi 2 have it...
even my mom said da same thing..
my dad is sly...if u no him very well...
u will b very tired when communicating wif him...
u will nev no wads going on in his mind truli...
if he dun want to have it ..
say it loud n clear la...
say it loud n clear for mi 2 hear it!!!!
he come up wif all da excuses n reasons 2 spent da tt amt...
all he want is spent it finish ...
so i won gt it...
this shouw how sly adults are...
same goes wif mdm chen...
no wonder she dun wrote da ans 4 prelim...
i bet wif my life tt she said" rising needs "is acceptable...
i confirmed wif shiyin b4 i asked her...
then guess wad she said???
"no no no i din said tt"...
har har...
made a mistake then say la...
no1 is perfect lo...(exc 'her')
wad da point ???
so she's trying 2 say is my fault la...
knn...carren chen

kira u can do it....

I would want to live longer...

Thursday, September 18, 2008
@ 3:58 PM

tada finalli my shirt is done....
mdm lee is da last one 2 sign on it....
n i din ask ms wang ...
cos duno how 2 ask her....
da las 2 pict is Hwee Ling's keychain..
took it on monday in da hall when ms chong was going through da Amth paper....
vry cute ho??
har u said yes...
it's lying on my amth 1 looks sad isnt???
dan da next's sitting on my bag...
trying 2 act cute...
no dun nid 2 act cute..cos alr vry cute liao...:D
gt emath paper back 2day...
and ant thing happened 2day...
mdm chen said my El vry Lan infront da whole klass....
wah SB sarcastic lo...even more sarcastic than ms yong man
i regreted telling my friends she's not a sarcastic teacher ...
she directli point to mi lo...
is true la my EL is lousy ...
bt does she have 2 say da name???
this is not da worst thing i tell u...
cos she said myEL lousy ..dan some people mumbling tt i scored higher than them...
dan she immediately said i improved cos da MRL reading programme!!!!
this is da no 1 ridiculous thing i 've ever heard....
i din do da book ..n din even go MRL...
do u think is funny???
da credits goes to da reading programme....
i tink it shd goes 2 GOD...
y ??cos is pure luck ....
i will thank her some day for wad she said 2 day....
rmb it....

I would want to live longer...

@ 3:58 PM

da weather is so warm man...
Sb hot lo..
esp in da klassrom...
duno having migraine or cos of da weather..
gt 30/50 forEL...
omg cant belived it ar all...
is lyk everytime failed da lor...
this time is cos of da summary ...
ant will still fail flat...
bt my paper 1 still sux la...
hop can pass El overall this time...
thr prelim marks is nt important anymore...
pls la god pls...
rain la ..rain....
Arghhhhhh so hot........

I would want to live longer...

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
@ 3:03 PM

bio marks always higher than physic...
alth din study both..
earli in da morning told my mom wan left earli...
cos mit wif shiyin 2 go find ms siew..
then guess wad my mom said???
find ms siew for wad?
isnt obvious???
for marks lo..
'wad for prelim...u shd concentrated on ur O level...'
she 's right la...say earli nx time la...
so i dun nid bother 4 my prelim liao le ma...hais...

chem marks sux like hell...
36/40 for MCQ..
section B is horrible..
i could even belived i have the 'power'2 make careless mistake for chem...
even MCQ dui careless mistake...
nvm onli 4 marks ..give it to her la.....

first El lesson wif mdm chen afta ms yong left.
she's quite funny..u no...:D
bt she gt prob wif da names..
during lesson time..she called Amirah from da left corner , cross da klassroom...all da way to right all da malay gal bcom
dan da klass did da test on wad grps of learners we belongs...
da result show i belongs 2 da audio group....
ist accurate????

tmr probali gettin back emath i tink....

I would want to live longer...

Monday, September 15, 2008
@ 3:55 PM

15 marks loss for emath...due to my carelessness...
dad will kill me if he saw da script...
my dad once conclude tt i will be killed by my own careless mistake...
i rather have my name on the death notebook...
72 for amath...
SB blur as well ...
do u know tt one cannot controll one's blurness???
i tired my best to avoid careless mistake in da end...
n my parents dun blieved it...they said it means i din try hard enough lo...

during bio period wang ask 2 do presentation...
ya i din go da supp.lessons..
yet shiyin ask mi 2 present da mindmap 2 da klass...
i was lyk...
ok present present lo...
nt even half way through ..she cut mi and took over da presentation..
she want 2 present then present lo..
wad 4 ask mi do it...
scared i gt da marks w/o contributing???
i rmb i did told them dun nid 2 inc my name...
n pls ms wang nos i din turn up on tt day loo..
pissed off...
this still ok ...
and at end of da lesson ..
ms wang told da whole klass shiyin did an excellent presentation..
which = i din a lousy job..
ues i did lousy job my fault ???
y cant she jus rephrase da sentence??instead of embrassing mi???
n yes my bio sucks bt doesn;t mean my Geo sucks as well..
and i know wads da meaning of water pollution and eutrophication...
she always thinks i am idiot...
ohya she asked to copy da part on water pollution fromm TB..
y cant she jus realised it...
i am not studing bio anymore...
wad 4 coping it?? wad 4 doing da homework???
y must still create trouble for mi ...

yongliang told mi i get F9 for physics...
i dun deserve F9 honestli...
shd get H11...
cos theres a difference btw 0 and 20

I would want to live longer...

Saturday, September 13, 2008
@ 10:10 AM

last night went to airport with madd ,candice,wanqin,shiying and hui kai..
2 see ms yong off....
rch there abit late cos jess they all alr there liao....
hais time pas realli fast lo...
is jus lyk da b4 ytd jus step in2 hillgrove...
ytd step in2 3E1 ...
dan today end prelim liao..
prob tmr end O
Terminal 3 is very quite..
so our presence there is 2 add life ok...
reaali love going 2 da airport ..:D
hmm ms yong's 'uncle'and 'son' is ther as well ...together wif some friends...
and ms Alicia sec 2 Geo teacher....
guess wad..she still remb mi looo...
wahaa couldn belived it=p
bt she looks ver old wif her hairstyle...
i tink da old 1 is better..lyk 2 years ago....
so ya she went in 2get wif ms yong abt 10 plus..
and nw still on aeroplane looo...
wahaaaa aeroplane...

I would want to live longer...

Friday, September 12, 2008
@ 12:23 PM

Finally finshed prelim le...
chem should be ok this time...
i tink this time round da result shd be better than mid yr la ho...
other than Phy and Bio of cos ...
hmm phy paper 2 i will get1 mark ..
i tot 0 'increase number of turns' is correct ...
probali half mark ??? hu nos...
las night dad told mi ...
ermm some figures abt how many people in different JC can ge in to U...
and even wif 4 A's ..u cant even get in to da ermm course u want...
if my dad 's intention is 2 get mi work harder...
i hav absolutli no problem wif it..
his tone was nt lyk nagging bt..
i felt he 's forcing mi...
of cos i 'm nt saying i dun wan go U...
bt they onli asked mi once wad i want 2be in my life...
n i told them ...
they said no way and frm then on they nv mention again...
and my dad alr create a job 4 mi lo...
did he nos one must have passion in wadever job one's doing???
if da passion is nt there just lyk working for salary...
and happiness will be gone 4ever...
da 'conflict' goona be happen some day ..very 6th sense...
told dad i wan 2 be a singaporean during da holidays ...
application is simple n fast...
n is a lot easier frm PR to singaporean ..
by my dad some how 4gt n this still nid to reconsiderate...
cos he said is nt simple ...n i have 2 give up certain thins of cos..
bt so wad???money can earn da wah...
of cos i hope to have a better result n get into JC...
and SYFC onli accept singaporeans...
bt i dun tell my dad abt this..
guess i nid 2 remind him again...this is nt da onli reason by da way...
wish he dun ask mi abt da reasons lo..

I would want to live longer...

Tuesday, September 9, 2008
@ 11:31 AM

Die of heart attack ...
earli in da morning had a quarrel wif my bastard mother...
supposed 2 wake up at 630 am...
then she woke up at 645am..
still say wad...
by 7 leave wou will be not late wah..
of cos by 7 leave nt late la..
den in tt case y she din wake mi up at 655 am..
its not a matter of fact whether late or not late..
or by 7 leave da house...
it thing matters 2 mi is tt TODAY IS SS PAPER!!!!
and she make my mood fucking piss off in da morning...
yet she still shes rite....
wad kind of mother is this...
i tink she has short memory loss..
i told her n times tt i must wake up at 630am..
if she still wants mi 2 eat breakfast...
and i dun eat on da way 2 sch ok...
i dun eat while walking...
say i knew it i knew it...
small thing cant dependent on her AT ALL...
bring da wrong keys then lock every outside da house...
cant rmb my tution time nad remedial days...
cooking skills gettimg worse..
mess up da house...
liddat how 2 trust her ???
and heng 2day os nt O level or math paper..
ant i will bite her head off b4 i leave...nabei...
better pray god gets a presentable marks ...
looks i still nids 2 dependents on myself ..
then wads da purpose 4 her 2 stay in singpore for da year 2008...?
if small things dependent on her...
being extra at home...
spy on wadever iam doing in da name of caretaking???
so fake....

Die of heart attack...
mt heart was jumping SB fast when ms tan giving out da paper...
i am scared da tradegy during midyr will happen again in tis prelim...
and afta wad my mother had done in da morning...
my brain is in da state of picture blank...
when i read through da SEQ herat skiped a beat...
then my heart wasn't there at all when i realised good governace is nt there...
when reading da qns on healthcare ..
da herat itself come back again..and it did a 360 degree spin in a NS direction...
da qns 4 britain NHS is da sme as da Sec3 midyr..

SBQ abit chim i tink ...
didn do purspose ...
onli did 1 purpose for SEQ..
hope 2 get a better mark to cover my GEO....

I would want to live longer...

Monday, September 8, 2008
@ 8:51 AM

phase 2 starts tmr..hais sian...
Geo ...i tink quite badlli done..
i was scared during da exam..
tmr is SS paper...
couldn't 4gt da tragedy during midyrs SS exam..
hope tmr good governace will be 1 of da topic 4 SEQ..
ant i will be finished..
i onli studied tt chapter...

sick n tire of my home...
some day ..some how i will move out...
all they know is nag nag nag..
n maniuplate my life..
bastard parents..
y i have parents lyk this???

I would want to live longer...

Saturday, September 6, 2008
@ 10:35 AM

hi guys :D

welcome 2 my new blog..

hope u lyk it ..

first of all..

great thanks to Agnes Kan and Agens Tan for the contribution they made..:D

and of cos and

then lastli "dear "

they have launched a new version of blog...

and changed my friendster blog URL w/o perimission..

so i can onli update on da new version instead of da old version...

bt somehow da old version still available...

i wil bemoving some photos from da old blog..

as i want it 2 be da base of this new blog...

there were total of 235 post in da old blog and i will delate them of cos...

new blog ,new life...:D

I would want to live longer...

♠ The Master

03 Nov 1990
Love travelling
and geography

♠ Sweeties


♠ Non-Sweeties


♠ Dreamer

Faculty of Arts and Social Science-Geography

White grand piano
♠ F.B.I


♠ Reminiscence

..September 2008

..October 2008

..November 2008

..December 2008

..January 2009

..February 2009

..March 2009

..April 2009

..May 2009

..June 2009

..July 2009

..August 2009

..September 2009

..October 2009

..November 2009

..December 2009

..January 2010

..February 2010

..March 2010

..April 2010

..May 2010

..June 2010

..July 2010

..August 2010

..September 2010

..October 2010

..November 2010

..December 2010

..January 2011

..February 2011

..March 2011

..April 2011

..May 2011

..June 2011

..July 2011

..August 2011

..September 2011

..October 2011

..November 2011

..December 2011

..January 2012

♠ Talk to Me

♠ Plays

♠ Spy

♠ Credits

Designer - LiTtL3 aH mA
Hoster - Photobucket