Thursday, October 30, 2008
@ 7:10 PM

omg omg omg...
could'tbelieved it..
from 12pm to 7pm...
slept 7 hrs!!!hah so long...
aiyo 7 hrs at least can cover 2 chapters of SS lo...
oh no nono....
Emath 2day shd be ok bah...
theres still a lots of careless mistakes.......
bt its not tt bad compare 2 prelim...
spend at least 45 mins on da graph qns...D:
i hate curve ruler i tell u...
da idiot hu designed flexicurves is not mean 2 help lo...
its is a tool 2 destroy ur grades lo...
out of da 45 mins ..20mins was on da drawing of da curve...
in da end i used free hand to connect da points...
dan play cheat at da tangent part...
da ruler just refused 2 bent itself...and it cant stay there once i bent it...
and i onli have 2 hands..mind u..
i was very frustrated at da curve...
wait a min..2mr is bio paper 2...
well da absence for phy paper 2 is wrong..i know is wrong...
and it is a umm irresponsible act...
bt if u were candidate with index no. 0035..u whd do da same thing...
as tmr's bio..seriously i dun want to go...
SS not even half way there and its more important than bio...
somemore my parents keep on forcing mi 2 go lo...
going is da onli way 2 shut their mouths..
so wad shd i do???
realli have no idea...
is like no one understands da reason lo...hais...

I would want to live longer...

Wednesday, October 29, 2008
@ 6:11 PM

但是如果你生气的话 我会更难过
一定不可以生气 我希望你永远开心
我太累了 做不到的是我真得不想去做
总觉得让你失望了 我最不想做的事就是让你觉的失望
但是你真正的关心过 在乎过吗
我会永远记得你 直到2500万年后我们再次相遇
一定要等着我 等着那天的到来

I would want to live longer...

Sunday, October 26, 2008
@ 6:34 PM


I would want to live longer...

Saturday, October 25, 2008
@ 2:26 PM

realli missed Mdm Lee's lessons since 3rd Oct....
i tink i am possessed by math....

maybe i shd jus make a wish on my birthday..
tt my SS will get A1...
so tt i dun nid 2 study it ...
how unlucky tt i have 2 do O level on my birthday...

dad is not at home...
he went 2 friends house for BBQ...
i want to go as well..
bt mom doesnt allow mi to go...bcos O is not over yet...
i missed BBQ food as well..

I would want to live longer...

Friday, October 24, 2008
@ 6:17 PM

SAD...afta 2 years of amath...
it ends today???24 oct 2008...without a breeze...
definitli hope it will be a A1 more than others...
well its a easy paper...
Emath paper 1 is easy i've already know theres careless mistakes...
last part any how do de...
guess i paid da price for nt paying attention during lower sec...
tt las qns reminds mi of ms Yvonne tan..lower sec math teacher...
honestli i dun rmb she taught jow 2 construct da angle n perpendicular thin...
maybe is bcos i din pay attention during her i reaali dun rmb anything...
oh bt i rem tried 2 trace da lines ..which means copy homeworks..haha not funny..
is onli 3 marks or maybe la still can afford....:p
as Amath paper2 ..theres no graph at all..and graph paper is still provided...
then i tot theres missing
did da Geometrical prof in las few mins...
haha manage 2 prove it..shd be correct la ho....
bt da diagram is SB knn lo...
nv draw properli lo...
then i was like thinking is da 2 idiot-looking lines parallel ant....
read da qns again ..oh is tangent!!!horhor...
wish i can do well for da emath paper 2...
pls god..dun let it ve da same as da prelim...
i realli cant control it lo...
dan still gt SS..
dun wan study SS la...
so many chapters...and i cant prevent myself from guessing which topic gonna come out for SEQ...
dan if guess wrong how????
ohyaya..theres one thing i am ver happy abt...
guess wad?? da fan is off today....
i was so surprised its off....
pls god...dun let it on during Emath paper 2 and SS....
harharhar da fan is off...
da fan is off ...
is off is off off off off off off off off
off off off off off off ..ooooooff...

I would want to live longer...

Thursday, October 23, 2008
@ 4:56 PM

quite sad when i saw my geo textbook again afta da O 2day..
so geo is over...
i tink for geo is very well done although theres a kaobei teacher tried 2 waste my time...
i bet she's not a math teacher...
blur and no brain...
now onli left SS 2 work it....
As for da grade for Combine Humanities...confirm A1...
wad a pity is i dun even no it when i gt full marks:D.....
tmr is my another beloved sunject...hahaha..and geometrical prof..
btw i change seat 2day...think cant change again tmr...cos Emath mah...
duno can use sebastian chan's seat in da aftannon ant...
bt i realli dunlike da fan lo...
it made mi very impatience during da exam...
i am sure it defintli affects my grade...
somemore da wind is like hurricane lo...block my trend of tots...

And i had a dream last 独一无二 kind....
or maybe cos possessed by math liao..

it take place in a coniferous forest..i swear..
becos da trees are conical in shape..and da weather is cold..
i wore da army uniform and carrying a sword=.=
then theres a group of people dreassed in total black ...and their face oso covred wif ..
black duno hu r them..and they carried sword as well...
so i was running and they r chasing afta mi..duno y...
when i was running and i saw a cave ..shd be a cave la...
wad so unique was tt it has a door and its half open!!!..
so immediately i dashed inside and da door closed...
is a well furnished cave with a fire place and a huge wooden table...
da furnitures wer far frm da somehow it looks like a tunnel??let it be a cave la..
then i walkd further inand i saw a lady ...
she seated da table and was writting some stuff...
she dressed like a witch..
with long black dress and a witch hat..wif a sharp point tt kind da...
and i realised da person at tt time la..
u no hus tt person is...????
i never no this mdm lee lo...
thn i was Sb stunned ...o.O
then she asked ..

"why r u here?
mi"ppl r chasing mi with a sword..."
'oh realli...stay here la."
mi"wad r u doing?"

then guess wad she said???
if its in reai life i prob fainted ready...

"marking O levels"
mi"hah???u r marking math paper now?? at here???"
"yeah ..i am marking 4038-02.."

very funny right??we haven even taken da paper lo...

mi"can i see da qns paper again?"

then mdm lee said somthing bt i 4gt ready...
afta awhile we heard banging on da cave door...

mi 'they r here! wad shd i do?"
"wheres ur weapon?"
mi"i lost it.." cos some how i cant find it...
"u can use my red pen"..
mi "i dun nid tt can one fights wif red pen?"
"its more than a red pen"
mi"show it to mi then"..

then she anyhow wave da red pen and da door was opend!!!
and those ppl in black were rushing into da cave...

mi" i din ask u 2 open da door !"
"did i?"
mi "u see"
"oh then we have 2 fight back i think."
mi'but but 2 versus 10 or mayb even more .."

then she didn say anything ...
she just stared at mi..

tada the End...wake up liao so no more....

I would want to live longer...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
@ 5:18 PM

wah A math ar A math...

i tink da beauty of it is something u can never describle...

overall is a very easy paper...

shd be bah hor???

and da fan is doing its best to irrtates mi...

theres tis teacher...very TAO YAN lo...

still left 5 mins...i was checking my papers then he passed mi da string ask mi to tie da papers up..

da whole 2 hrs he keep on walking and walking..

walking still nt enough lo...

he pulled sebastian chan's chair amd moved his table..

and seat beside mi...cos sebastian nt there mah...

anyway i 've already lost at least 5 marks due 2 careless mistakes...

ArghhhhhhhSb blur lo...

nvm 80-5 still have 75 left....:D

my heart skipped a beat when i read throough da paper...

cos theres no Geometrical Prof!!!!wtf man...

and no sketching oso lo...n ploting....

na bei..

bt anyway it will be there on Fri paper 2..

so its ok...:D

love Geometrical prof to da bones lo...

i hope it came out 10marks..

bt cant be la hor..

anyway its a easy paper and if cant gt A1..

then realli 没脸见人 esp mdm lee...

I would want to live longer...

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
@ 7:33 PM

finalli finshed EL paper
its so cool lo ..cos it ends late..and da da sky is dark...
well i tink is a job well done 2 da teacher hu set da prelim EL paper 1...
because da same qns came out today!!!
i was so stunned when i saw da word GREED there...
so i did tt qns...
n i hope didn wrote out of points....
bcos i worte a bloody car accident...
and da report is realativli u can make ur own decison...
instead 2 choose...
paper 2 still ok bah..i tink..
nt too diffcult...
and i love da second passage..
tmr is amath...
hah Amath????
its finalli here...
sometimes i feel tt da purpose for doing O is 2 gt A1 for Amath....
nonono i shd have tt idea.....
ah Amath...AmathAmathmathmathmathmath
tmr Amath....?????!!!!!!omg....
ohya did ur read ms yong 's msg on tagboard...
da last mes is so cute man.."keeping my fingers acrossed"
omg Amath!!!!

I would want to live longer...

Monday, October 20, 2008
@ 5:25 PM

chem sucks...
dont have da feeling for 'well done'
da prelim is defintli easier than tt...
bt is nt tt difficult....
i hate da fan...
keep on blowing blowing until i was so pissed...
and and..da periodic table is attached 2 da back..
and u cant tear it...
dan i was lyk flippin n flipping...
cos once i have 2 flip i will 4gt da qns...
and concentrate on da flipping and how irritating da fan is...
or ant everything will gt blown away....
some da person or whoever it is ..wah so inconsiderate lo...
qns for section B is at da front at da LINED PAGES IS AT DA BACK...
so i was lyk da whole 1hr and 45 mins did nothing but flipping da paper....
cant arranged da same as section A mei....
somemore da paper quality is SB good lo...hor candice????
is better for mi 2 rmb all da math formula i guess...
if da amath paper liddat then dun nid do liao...
sure F9...
i've decided something 2day when afta chem....
well i know is wrong....
bt i sincerely hope tt it will nt affect anything...
through saying sorry dont have much
i am sorry....

I would want to live longer...

Sunday, October 19, 2008
@ 7:47 PM

chem chem.....
omg beloved sunbject.....


had las tution lesson 2day...
during chemistry..

MrFun"when does ur O level starts?"
MrFun"wad ur have for da first paper?"
dan he gave a fainted look...and said so fast???
"i wish your all da best.dun burn midnight oil,and everbody in da klass must fet A1."

English tution...
Mr teo'did ur read da 50 fun things to do during exam?"
'u tear da paper to tiny pieces..stand up and throw it upwards..then shout
Merry Christmas!..
afta tt u seat down ,raised up ur hand and ask
can i have a new one?i lost da first one..."

I would want to live longer...

Saturday, October 18, 2008
@ 4:38 PM

day afta tmr...
its here....

在战场上 一个人就是一支军队

I would want to live longer...

Wednesday, October 15, 2008
@ 9:12 AM

4 days 2 Os..
simpli couldnt wait anymore....
i tink i am done with chem n geo...
long long time nv touch math la...
i feel my math ability r retarding....
mayb i shd study more math????
n..n..SS..oso nv touch at all..
bt anyway ss is still far la ho.....
ytd was looking thr da handout ms yong gave earli tis year...
on Poly course da...
i am nt saying going Poly..see no harm de...
dan i realised tt with my prelim L1R5 cant get into mos of da course...
y??very simple ..R2 nid 2 sciences and i onli have 1...
i rmb duno how long ago ,,my dad alr told mi...
if i dun study phy..da choices avaliable reduced at least by half.....
which is ver more than half anyway...
and even more dream couse in poly ..ya i have a dream couse..
Avitaion Management & Service at Temasak Poly
also nid 2 sciences...
hais....nvm i prefer chem.....

I would want to live longer...

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
@ 10:57 AM

har i knew it...
da session stars at 8..
so when i walked in ...there must b a teacher saying i am late 4 sch...
halo sec4 ok ..
do i look lyk sec 1 ?????
when i walked in tis morning..
mrs V. low and mr chua was toking 2 da late comers...
n she thinks i am 1 of da late comers..har har so funny...
which is a indirect insult saying i am short...
btw i am taller than her....
so hus short???
she asked mi 2 go home and change my shoe bcos my shoe is in luminous green..
she say is 2 bright...
"do u have any dull colour shoe ??"
"sorry i dun have"
dan she ask mi wher i lived...
is not 2 far bt is nt v near as well wah...
" if i goback n chage then come back again,it will takes mi alm 1 hour..."
"n i can complete 1 chem paper1 within 1 hour and ensure its full marks..."
'so ur request = wasting my time...n u dun have da right 2 waste my time.."
"bt afta last day ,school rules still applies."
omg i hate tt line...
school rules???
so if one had coloued hair/spiky hair/bright colour shone/ankle socks....
which means tt person cant study hah???
school rules r v funny just like joke men...i mean da part on attaire...
as if is very comfortable 2 wear da unifom???
nv tuck in shirt means cant pass exam mei...

very easily being irrtated these days....
da feeling of jealousy is still within...
yet ms wang did sth 2 day which make mi feel v guilty...
hais ...
hais ...
nt lyk him lo...
everthing dun care...

I would want to live longer...

Monday, October 6, 2008
@ 4:04 PM

went back for da EL just session...
quite gd la...
esp wif ms A. chew...
hmm she changed a lot...or her teaching style changed alot...
is totalli different frm sec 2 when she taught mi Lit....
honestli i din pay much attention 2 my EL...
cos all i want is to get 5 pts for my Already-Selected R5...
and wif EL F9...i said F9 ok...look carefulli...
feel very hmm downcast??
hmm no i tink is bcos of jealousy...
i am such a weird person...
one might felt jealoused over other's outstanding performance..
academic result or big house and money probabli...
y am i feel jealoused over a ...ermm
a failure...
a weak failure tt couldn't even pass da exam????
or mayb bcos i was a failure once ..for tt subject...
i dun mind 2 dissapoint anyone ...
bt i dun wan 2 disppoint ..ermm tt person...
tt person makes mi deel so angry 2 day...
bcos of tt person ..jealousy strikes...
da feeling is sooooo...werid....
jus uncomfortable wif it...
i realli want 2 dial her number n shout at her....

I would want to live longer...

Friday, October 3, 2008
@ 5:05 PM

realli las day le ma???
so fast ar...
being irritated loh...
bio is always so ..
i shdn't use this so sian la...
such a torture when u have 2 pretend 2 b awake..
while u couldn't even open ur eyes...
copy copy copy correction...
ms wang"y u r not doing ur correction?"
mi"dun want 2 do"
ms wang"y dun wan 2 do?"
mi"no reason"..
ms wang"dun 4gt..u've alr taken ur paper3..u don want 2 have a F9" alr las day le...
still care so much ha???
honestli very guilty la...
bt bt bt...pls think again..
is there any use????
so gt back report book...
it was v annoying when realised tt my phy n bio marks pulled down my average mark...
then my klass rank is lyk ermmm v disgusting...
is bio n phy r human beings ...
i prob take everthing under my table..
n throw it on their face lo...
ms wang is rite ...
i dun want have 2 F9..of cos...
bt do i have any choice???
i can afford it ...
2 F9 onli ma...
2x9=18 onli ma...
is nothing compared 2 L1R5=40..
o tt my fabulous sec3 midyr result...
i will make sure this 2 subj being kicked out frm my L1R5...
n NEVER NEVERNEVER appear in my life again...esp bio!!!!
as for chemistry....
i wll make sure A1 of cos ....
n will protect it...regardless of da ways...
ohya carren chen said i nid 2 go da just session...
wah suddenli care abt da klass so much ...
4e1 is lyk a second hand klass 2 her ..isnt???

I would want to live longer...

♠ The Master

03 Nov 1990
Love travelling
and geography

♠ Sweeties


♠ Non-Sweeties


♠ Dreamer

Faculty of Arts and Social Science-Geography

White grand piano
♠ F.B.I


♠ Reminiscence

..September 2008

..October 2008

..November 2008

..December 2008

..January 2009

..February 2009

..March 2009

..April 2009

..May 2009

..June 2009

..July 2009

..August 2009

..September 2009

..October 2009

..November 2009

..December 2009

..January 2010

..February 2010

..March 2010

..April 2010

..May 2010

..June 2010

..July 2010

..August 2010

..September 2010

..October 2010

..November 2010

..December 2010

..January 2011

..February 2011

..March 2011

..April 2011

..May 2011

..June 2011

..July 2011

..August 2011

..September 2011

..October 2011

..November 2011

..December 2011

..January 2012

♠ Talk to Me

♠ Plays

♠ Spy

♠ Credits

Designer - LiTtL3 aH mA
Hoster - Photobucket