Wednesday, February 25, 2009
@ 2:22 PM

ohyaaaa!!!good news..
i can report 2 school by 910am on every Monday!!!!
thats great...means i can leave at 845am!!!...
and sch end at 405pm for everyday except Wed and Fri...
however the reporting time 2 school on Tue to Fri is 8am...
simply awesome..cos i don nid 2 wake up at 630am anymore!!!:)
currently planning on the MI carnival..which gonna take place during May..
each class goona set up 2 game stall and one food stall..
i am in the food stall group ...and i am the treasurer:D
will be selling food combs la...but i still duno whos the target customers..
pls dun tell me the consumers will be the visitors ha...

had PE ytd ...and will be having tmr...:( think will be doing 2.4
thats gross..i hate PE...
so we did height and weight ytd....
and guess wads my weight???hahah finally achieved my target...
well the machine said is 47...:)
dont want mention my height..cos i am not the tallest:( der obviously...
Hafizah is taller than me...not fair!!!!!!!!!!
but my weight still haven win 68 lo..shes 45!!!!...

next taekwondo grading will be in April..ya i tink so...
i hope i can get promoted and change my colour belt!!!!...
same colour very sian de lo...
anyway i dun understand wads the problem of being skinny!!!...
and people around me are keep telling me to eat more!!!
i eat alot ok..!!!for ur infor...
until now i still have engage in any sparring...only light sparring..
it seems ppl have this misconception that ..
takwondists are buffy ppl...
but of cos its good if u were muscular or wadever...
even the coach asked me to eat to have more strength...
and please dun tell me that again can???

MOB is sooooo fun!!!..
same goes for econs!!!
and Geography of cos...
will be learning the natural disasters!!!!....good good good...
i am very keen to know more about the natural disasters..
esp volcano eruptions!!!...
i love natural disasters!!!!
OOPs did i said sth wrong???
ummm NOPE ...yeah i love natural disasters!!!!
haven start nay formaa GP lessons...
umm math soso la...
didn learn anything interesting...
still at 1st chap der ..
is Arithmetic and Geometric progression..yeah thats the name..
a+(n-1)d...number pattern...
aiya not fun la ..i prefer shape...

I would want to live longer...

Monday, February 23, 2009
@ 4:56 PM

fucking H2 math with its fucking contents...
god god ..theres no more geometrical prof and theres binomial!!!
i hate binomial!!!
i am not saying i love geometrical prof...
but i like cos theres no definite answers!!!...
and for some of the qns,its possible to have more than 3 ans...
its simply cool when theres no definite answers...
but now no more liao...
Received time table today...
dismissal time is 405pm...yeah!!better than 525pm..
except Wed and Fri...since i will not b going CCA..
thats implies i can go home and sleep!!!!!!!yup yup...z..Z...Z....
and GOSH having PE in the afternoon!!!
somemore under the hot sun lo...stupid fucking timing!!!
worst still 2 times a week!!!!
can u imaging running 2.4 under the burring hot sun??????
had math lesson today....3 periods:(
doing nothing but all the Qns on Indices ,Logarithms,
and all the related stuff...
n i realised ...i 4gt all the laws....:( :(...
so i have to do and refer at the same time...
plus doing math w/o a calculator...thats gross!!!!
it will makes mi impatient ..which is a very bad thing..der
the math teacher is a nice and quite young lady...
i tink so..anw i always have problem with guessing the age ...
ohya...i like the pre-u style compare to Secondary school...
the best thing is changing classrooms for every lessons...
so it wont b so bored..yeah...

I would want to live longer...

Friday, February 20, 2009
@ 1:48 PM

OMG i am so jealous !!!
no wander my new found friend said JJC is very flexible!!!!
esp the shoes man...Roarrrrrrr...
so ya today meet wif my new classmates and home tutor and co home tutor...
Home Tutor will be teaching GP..
then Co home Tutor will b teaching H1 Geography!!!
and Home Tutor is on Maternity Leave:)
anyw new classmates look very quite lei...
maybe cos of first day...
during the break toady OGT ..a very nice young lady ...
dumped me with all the MI newsletters..she asked mi to distributed it...
but ever1 went off le...:(
so i worked as flyer distributor today...
halfway distributing the flying ..
i saw my co home tutor..Mr Desmond Tan..
being polite i said he hi back lo..
then guess wad he said??
"i saw u a few days ago.." got meh???i din notice u lei???
"ur hair is reddish brown in colour.." oh u saw it???umm good memory ..
"u dye it black ist?"...
Der obviously!!! or what...i did a magic show ha!!!???
so lame!!!
then i am damn pissed off with the address changing thing...
i changed it in Sec 3..then Sec 4 still the wrong Add...
i changed it in Sec 4 again..then still the wrong Add...
the stupidest thing is ..
my last time de Add was printed on the paper ..
with LAST LAST time de house phone Number...
worst still...the Add printed on FORM A also wrong!!!!
thats so great man!!!! what an efficient system....!!!!!!Excellent!!!!
going to start off with H1 subject next week...
i do hope that kao bei Chinese teacher dun teach me....
whenever i walked pass by her...she will turn her head n look at me...:(
and and and ...
I LOVE GP!!!!!!!!
is a brand new subject and totally different from O English!!!!
btw O level English sucks man....
to me GP is definitely NOT English..cos GP don sucks!!!haha....
ummm i will be treating GP like Social right????
one more time...
GP Rocks!!!:)

I would want to live longer...

Thursday, February 19, 2009
@ 4:12 PM

posted to 09B4....
B stands for Business since U don know...
H2 subjects are Management Of Business, Economics and Math...
plus H1 Geography....
and my house is Sapphire..with the colour Blue ..ya again!!!same as Lakota....
and and and..
I dont wan CCA...
2days of training....:(
can don go????
i prefer taekwondo and rollerblading...
ohya taekwondo ROCKS man!!!
last week the coach taught a new and easy defence technique...
thats allows u to push away ur opponents by using 4 fingers....
i tried it on my dad..:) then he really move backwards lei....!!!
ya i was very surprised...
bt if the opponent is a fat person and with a huge tummy...
i dun think i can push him/her away by using 4 fingers...
a turning kick will be more effective....

Early in the morning...
the fussy Chinese teacher purposely came to my OG group ..
and check my shoes...
she's so kao bei lo..another LCH ar...
she din look at my shoes once lo..
she did twice..ya la is reasonable mah...
cos shes colour blind...
maybe she likes my new NIKE shoes as well:D haha...
like it just say la!!!!

i dun think i will be going CCA...

I would want to live longer...

Wednesday, February 18, 2009
@ 5:56 PM

Best Bet finished early by 40 mins ..that's great!!!...
its something like the Lead Us...
and main objective is to tell u not to gamble...cos of probability...
other than that i am pissed off today...
early in the morning ...
theres this fussy Chinese teacher keep pointing her finger at me...
Did i offended u???Do u know its rude 2 point at ppl???
so wad u r a teacher???besides shes only a Chinese teacher...
after pointing then she asked the other teachers who's my OGT..
but too bad she cant find her...
then she came to mi and said..
"the colour of your shoes are not allowed"
i was thinking is she colourblind???its obviously dark blue mah!!!
ok fine i will change it...i shall control my temper...
after that the same thing vomited from her mouth..
ur hair style blah blah...the hair colour not rite...der der der...
i know i am tall la ok??
but sometimes i will attract the unnecessary attentions...
so u see.. theres A LOT ppl with tinted hair...
Why always like to pick on me ha???
very frustrating lei...
and u expected me to have an army hairstyle hah???KNN...
even if i wanted keep my hair longer ...i still nid the time mah...
as if it will grow over night???? use your brain....

CCA posting result was out today....
sounds abit funny right???
yah we have 5 choice of CCA...meaning that not ever1 able 2 join the CCA they want...
so i am posted to which CCA????...MAKE THE GUESS NOW!!!!
DRAMA !!!!!
yeah role play stuffs...mayb it will improve on my acting skills???
theres another foundation skill training talk tmr...
boredom level is worst than ms wang's Bio lessons...
fall asleep today during the foundation skill talk 2day...
i was really sleeping the chair is so nice 2 seat in...
like those chair in the cinema!!! right....
i was seating in the last the teacher won be able 2 see U...

I would want to live longer...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009
@ 3:36 PM

Damn it man..
school ends at 5:25 pm tmr...its soooooooo late...
cos of the Best Bet thing la...
or not i can go home and sleep lo....
this Best Bet thing is about umm gambling ..throwing the dice
and wadever crap la....
the foundation talk today is so boring Z...Z...Z....
this funny teacher wif a funny accent...
she talks in a extremely slow manner ...
then having a pause of 3 seconds after every word...
and she will roll her tongue when theres an 'r' appears..
in the end the lecture ended 10 mins we have no break...
thanks to the way she talks....
the lecture on Mindmaping was fun!!!!its Adam khoo's talk...
anyw i dun like taking down notes and doing mindmaps....
cos i feel it is I&I..thats insecure and insufficient...
all i did in Secondary school was memorising the textbooks!!!.
umm guess its not a good idea...
but its like coping the textbook during exams...its cool ....
and thats why i hate that bitch alot....
try 2 test my memories....and shun bian show off she's in JC...
the teacher alr gave the topics for GP....
at least it won be so difficult for PU1....
GP exam is on 27th May...
i shd start to prepare it now...
expecting an A for it..cos the topics are within my control...
plus i am good at memorising stuffs....:D
so wont be that difficult la......
ohya having a PE talk on Thursday!!!!
how lame....umm introduction to PE...

I would want to live longer...

Friday, February 13, 2009
@ 2:28 PM

submitted the subject combination form ytd...
and and its so frustrating!!! cos its time to join CCA again...
i hate CCA...:(
cos i prefer going home n SLEEP of coz...
next week is the last week of orientation...
guess wat kind of programme PU1 gonna to have nex week????
its called the foundation skill talk...
some said THEY will teach U how to do well in the subjects u choose..
wahhh realli...haha..not funny...
these days able to get dismissed from school EARLY...
how EARLY ???1:30pm...
omg even earlier then Sec 1...
i tink its the same time as Princess Eliz great...
went the Math talk today..
i shd enter another classroom for the lecture...
u know the 1 with the hot guy de...He's a math teacher too...
then in the end the lecture is an old man...
Joaylnn and i were so bored!!!!!!!!!!!!!
he asked the class to do some problems..
the simplest quadratic eqn...
then in the end theres some careless mistakes somewhere..
so tada the ans is wrong!!!!
how embarrassing....
its like i've 4gt everthing abt math...:(
w/o doing math for 3 months..its NORMAL rite???

ok i am gonna watch Gem of life le...
last 2 Ep

I would want to live longer...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
@ 2:34 PM

went for Management of Business talks ytd..
and Geography today..
wah the geography teacher is damn boring lo..
he stands there talk talk n talk...
somemore his talk is like ms wang that type...:(
u never know how interesting Geography is until u pay full attention in klass..
Management of Business gonna be interesting ...
it will equip u to become an entrepreneur...
but nid 2 write alot during exam...
the teacher showed the A level paper ytd...
i tink better start 2 train my left can take turns mah...
but it gonna be difficult to get an A in yr1...
how can that be possible ???even if u work v hard...
yr1 cant get A..then yr2 can get ha?
if yr2 cant get ..then yr3 still can get A mei???
that will be a miracle...
honestly i wish i did better for my a math lo...
B3 is the min requirement for H2 math...
that means my math result gonna be last in klass again????
wtf man...its soooooooooooo embarrassing D:
i am still trying my best to find the CCTVs in the campus..
cos they r not that obvious like in Hillgrove...
theres CCTV in the hall...
OM said dunid 2 look around cos we will never find it...??
it must be somewhere....

I would want to live longer...

Saturday, February 7, 2009
@ 5:22 PM

yes finally finish the first week le..
its so tiring man..end at 9 plus ytd...-.-
the dinner was sucks ytd...
anw the orientation food is nice ..
becos they cooked the food earli ytd ..
so the food turned bad by 5pm...
good thing is not everygrp gt the sour food...
and thats y the PU1s gt to hear this particular teacher saying the word 'sucks"...
the moment that teacher said sucks using mic...
every1 started to cheer..scream ...very surprising mei??
first time hearing the word sucksfrm a teacher's mouth..
going sample lecture nx week..
u know ..its subject talks..hope i dun fall asleep...
anyw i ale decided which combin goona 2 take....
i will not take POA FOR sure...
yea i know ..commerce stream mah so its good 2 have POA...blah blah..
bt theres H2 math available u know...
i cant pretend i din see it...
plus wad da hell is POA???
since its not in my life in Sec school..
so y shd i learn it????
Joalynn failed her chinese ..guess wad???she nid 2 retake !!!
i tot its ok 2 failed MT de???
maybe she and i shd switch..
then i take O chinese for her..she take the EL for me....:]
good idea rite????LOL...haha
i am wandering which sec sch i will be going ...
For the English O level oral????
hope i can have a smooth year...
btw PU1 has NO COMMON TEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the first major exam is tada~~~~~~~~~~
the PROMOS...
how great!!!!

I would want to live longer...

Wednesday, February 4, 2009
@ 2:47 PM

having earli dismissal this whole week i tink..
going sample lectures will b next week stuff..
i couldnt wait 2 start the lessons..
so now i am stuck with games...=.=
bt okie la quite fun...
learn the traditon MI dance today..well it is...i shall not say anything abt the dance..
u know.. is a traditon..anyway i hope this week ends asap...
2more days...
another damn thing is i nid 2 retake O level English this year...
ok U stop laughing ....
god damn it...another round of oral,compre,summary and wadever fucking stuffs...
i am realli sick abt the format...

and a fake person...i shall not say abt ur names..
at least we r classmates for 2 years...
i dont need u to remind me abo what mdm Lee had told the class last year...
my memories r better than u...bitch
i rmb wad mdm Lee said ok...
and u don nid 2 show off to mi that u r in JC...
onli show off when u r in Good JC...too bad u r not...haha
maybe u shd check online abt how many students scored 4As in your JC in the past few years...
if the ans is a circle ...dont be 2 surprise ...
wish u luck for ur A-levels :D

I would want to live longer...

Monday, February 2, 2009
@ 2:28 PM

wah not bad..1st day in MI dismissed at 130pm...haha..
anyway nothing 2 haha about..
3weeks of orientation ..of cos dismiss at 130pm lo..
1st day always always like this...
talk talk talk...
tmr will be a game day...
Sleepy z...Z...Z.....
having migraine..mus b due 2 lack of sleep=.+...
ohya..MI has a cashless canteen..ever1 will be using cashcard....
this will cut down on the Q-ing time..good good good...
or not bell ring liao still haven gt the food...
1st day games are always the same lo...
play the same games in Sec 1 oritation camp...n u r still wearing ur sec sch uniform..
the hall is like having a uniform show...its quite cool ...
well its very heartening 2 see hillgrovian least u know u r not the onli 1...
okie iam dying 2 have MORE SLEEP...
hope 2 get dismissed earlier tmr...aka No 5pm

I would want to live longer...

♠ The Master

03 Nov 1990
Love travelling
and geography

♠ Sweeties


♠ Non-Sweeties


♠ Dreamer

Faculty of Arts and Social Science-Geography

White grand piano
♠ F.B.I


♠ Reminiscence

..September 2008

..October 2008

..November 2008

..December 2008

..January 2009

..February 2009

..March 2009

..April 2009

..May 2009

..June 2009

..July 2009

..August 2009

..September 2009

..October 2009

..November 2009

..December 2009

..January 2010

..February 2010

..March 2010

..April 2010

..May 2010

..June 2010

..July 2010

..August 2010

..September 2010

..October 2010

..November 2010

..December 2010

..January 2011

..February 2011

..March 2011

..April 2011

..May 2011

..June 2011

..July 2011

..August 2011

..September 2011

..October 2011

..November 2011

..December 2011

..January 2012

♠ Talk to Me

♠ Plays

♠ Spy

♠ Credits

Designer - LiTtL3 aH mA
Hoster - Photobucket