Tuesday, March 31, 2009
@ 4:52 PM

for the 1st time..ever since after orientation...
my Econ teacher gets angry with the class...
this is something very unusual...
bcos she's a nice lady...
well the reasons is we r extremely noisy as she alr started the lesson...
i am not sure abt other class...
but the new trend in my class ..at least during Econ lessons..
we dont greet the teacher b4 lessons nor thank the teacher after lessons..
thats y we r noisy ..ya i guess...

gt back my first MOB test..
ya i know thats v horrible...as the test qns r ****
but 45% ppl in the class pass ok...
and no As.....and the lowerest is 2.5..
and the highest i know is 8.5...
i doubt any1 gt 10 lo...
your wan to know how qns look like???
umm better no la ok? cos ur sure duno how 2 de...
MOB and Econs r interlinked....
thats y i am in love with my subject combination lo..
another reason is science has completely vanished in my life...
thats great! ..esp after the 2 years torturing in E1..simply hate science...

anyway my classmates r quite fun other some bossy girls...
i shall not talk abt them...
the teachers r great as well other than PE teachers....
having another MOB test this Friday on business firm objectives...
MOB is really interesting i tell u...
this subject is like a magnifying glass that enlarge all the business firms to its learners...

going 2 get back my math test tmr...:(
fail ding le T_T

I would want to live longer...

Saturday, March 28, 2009
@ 7:49 PM

2 words that separate Math from other subjects..

Self-satisfaction & frustration

I would want to live longer...

Friday, March 27, 2009
@ 3:06 PM

went to Hillgrove to day 2 get cert today ...ya 2day is fri..
so not the full cert means EL is not inside it...
and the 'packaging' is the same as other ppl's...
the drink stall gt sell bubble tea aei....wahh so gd!!!:)
and theres a new stall in the canteen...
the rest is still looks the same like last year
except the big ass fan in the hall....
Hafizah talked to ms chong..did i spell the name correctly???
(last year E2 math teacher)
she's damn surprised when hafizh appeared infront....
and she SHUN BIAN asked me and Joaylnn wad subjects we take...
thats remind me how pissed i am last night...
as i said the word 'math' ..i rmb i have some math hw haven finish...
and most of the qns cant get the ans....
umm mayb there r some misatkes in the ans hor???

ok i nid 2 sleep le....(haven finish wad i want to say)

I would want to live longer...

Thursday, March 26, 2009
@ 5:02 PM

did ur guys know what CCA does Joalynn join in MI...
at first is band..which is ok...she was in hillgrove concert band b4...
then she changed to TOUCH RUGBY!!
can u imagine????? touch rugby lei...
is rugby...omg i was so shocked when she told me :o
finali i can take a good rest as tmr is Friday..
afta crap up this post i am gonna to sleep....
umm alrite i tink i failed the first H2 math test miserably...
25min test on AP and GP..total 15 marks...
i still think my score gonna be 5/15...thats is so horrible...
and u never know how easy the test is..is really VERY EASY...
dun nid to mention careless mistake la of cos...
transfer the ans from calcualtor..1/2 become 2...:(
wanted to write smaller then wrote bigger...
the most pro part is 15 divide by 10 become 5...
the more i think abt the test ,the more emo i get...
Ah cat asked me am i alright today during math class...
in case u donno whose Ah cat...she's my math teacher now....
i hope shes not referring to the test...
anyway she said i look very sian...
when i am not sian ar ??? sian doesn't mean not alright wah....

goona to go back 2 Hillgrove on Monday with Hafizah...
eversince the O level result was out..
i am cuiours abt how will my cert look like...
as i rmb Mdm Lee said fail english u won gt the full cert...
umm so means tear it to half then i can only keep half ist???
haha just joking:D
anyway hu cares abt the stupid cert...
i miss the canteen....


I would want to live longer...

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
@ 5:05 PM

i am Addicted to:

Bonjour Milk Bread
Bonjour Chocolate Bread
Bonjour Read Bean Bread
Mango Madness @ goodnews Cafe at school


I would want to live longer...

Thursday, March 19, 2009
@ 11:27 AM

Ummm so its true....
dinner at botak jones last night with "The Group"...:)
Agnes said Hillgrove appear in the news paper...
so the 1st thing i did this morning what is it about...
ya la i dun newspaper de....
factories system now apperas in school....:D
but actually i agree with Agnes...
according 2 da news paper...
is a 'she-hu-cant-be- named'...
but shd be a 'he-hu-cant-be-named'???
u know ...is that HIM....Mr ahem ahem...
ok anyway i am still thinking abt this U-KNOW-HU....
the punch card system reminds me of my 1 and only part time job experience when i did in sec2....
derr ya work in a factories with my friend n her cousin...
was doing packaging for NTUC...i rmb we were quite enjoyed with the machine esp the sound when the card was being punched....
umm let me see..according to my textbook...
Kenneth lee shd be classified under leaders with task-orientated leadership style.....and
have u heard of Mr Gregor's theory X and theory Y????
In a business company..leadership style will reflect employee's behavior..
If put this puch card system case to Mr Gregor's theory...
Mr kenneth lee is doing theory X!!!!omg!!!! is not a good thing obviously..
but but the good thing he 's the principal..not CEO...
thats y hes STYLE man!!!!
punch card system in school....wahahahaaaaa........

Click the link below...

I would want to live longer...

@ 11:27 AM

I would want to live longer...

@ 11:27 AM

FUCK la ...whoever sets the Geo Holiday homework...
y cant he just put San Andreas Fault....??
as a Geo teacher..does he know how famous San Andreas fault is???
hu cares abt the North Anatolian Fault???
i ve been sitting infront of the computer since 730 am...
until now i still cant find the detail formation process...
pls dun tell me is jus happen to be there ar???
fucking google wif its fucking reults!!!
fucking geography wif its fucking plate tectonic!!!
fucking teacher wif his fucking holiday homework!!!


I would want to live longer...

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
@ 5:29 PM



I would want to live longer...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
@ 10:40 AM

my MOB teacher is a bomb ...
can u imageine??
she's telling the class not 2 expect to pass the first test b4 the test started.. i tot she supposed 2 say "try your best"???
and she gets angry easily...which is V irritating...
ist bcos shes pregnant??and giving birth V soon??
Finaly the teachers have stopped emphasis on living a line in btw when writing essays...(cos thats for Primary sch)
but she asked 2 have 2- finger spacing...
and obviously i dun have that habit too...
as i have 2 lines in btw each paragraph...
so why shd i have 2-finger spacing ???
and she walked around 2 collect homeworks during the test...
which makes me cant concentrate...
and i get scolded during the test just bcos i din have 2-finger spacing ...
is such a SMALL mistakes ..dun nid 2 angry rite???
plus i dun think is a mistake lo...
i bet she dun know how 2 spell the word "STYLE"...
y must follow the same pattern anyway???
do u know theres something called "MAKE A DIFFERENCE"?
and shes the only teacher refuse to spoon -feed...
i know la ok...spoon -feed is not good in the long run...
but other teachers and MOb teachers are doing spoon feeding wah...
pregnancy make her different from others ist??? =.="
and when u ask her qns...guess wad's her ans???
"maybe".."dunno".."could be"...
she's the only teacher wif such problem...thats a great thing!!!
also she like 2 side track during lessons...
and when she have no time 2 finish the lessons..
she will"quick quick ".."read it your self"...and blah blah blah...
then she told us our speed is the slowest among all the klass...
as if our fault???
hus the 1 like 2 side -track???

I would want to live longer...

Monday, March 9, 2009
@ 5:18 PM

my math teacher shd not be a cat...
she shd be a kitty...
i realised that i am with the so call better ones during math class...
kitty's speed is ok not fast at all actually...
but other class is like still half way through the 1st chap???
i wander since when become a math pro???
i really hate to lend other ppl my homework...
they wan copy ok la...copy lo..
wan me explain it ..ok lo explain lo...
but the problem they like 2 ask me during lesson time:(
then after that i have no idea wad does kitty mentioned in klass:(
after one round of circulating my papers...
it comes back like a rough paper...thats great!!!!

I would want to live longer...

Thursday, March 5, 2009
@ 5:32 PM

wahahaaa..iam back....:D
i was very busy last few days..cos of the homeworks and all e new concept..D:
tmr is sports fiesta so don nid complete the hw by 2day..haha thats good!!
have i mentioned abt my teachers???
let me tell u this...they r rocks!!!
Chinese teacher has promised e whole class not to give homeworks:)
math teacher is like a cat...i dun think she will angry wif anything..easy-going:)
GP teacher aka home tutor is a standard babysitter:)
econ teacher is a middle aged woman...always keep e class entertained with jokes...:)
MOB char not bad...always tell stories...but she dun like 2 ans qns...
if want to clarified any doubts..she will b saying:"maybe" or "dunno"or "go find out n tell me the ans"...biang:(
2 Geo teacher...
david toh and desmond tan..yah D&D...
david toh is damn style lo...well lots ppl call him Geography Gay..
becos his fringe is damn LONG..
and he likes to TOUCH himself during lecture...
even the way he use the tissue paper is different from oth ppl..haha
the way he explain the qns and wadever gives a vry slack attitude...
and i tink desmond tan like sushi lo...
he keep using sushi and the belt to explain the plate techtonic theory...
honestly i feel tt Geography is VVVVVVV foreign to me...bit scared...
other subjects r still ok la FOR NOW..

Got the student locker on tue...
and the lock is so stupid lo...i shall post a picture of it tmr...
the password made up of 3 binary codes....
n u must rmb how 2 turn it..and u din over turn...
or not cant open...
and my locker is at the top row!!!heng i am tall enough to rch it...
but its on da 3rd floor..morning exercise nah T.T

PS : i hate ALL the PE TEACHERS...

I would want to live longer...

♠ The Master

03 Nov 1990
Love travelling
and geography

♠ Sweeties


♠ Non-Sweeties


♠ Dreamer

Faculty of Arts and Social Science-Geography

White grand piano
♠ F.B.I


♠ Reminiscence

..September 2008

..October 2008

..November 2008

..December 2008

..January 2009

..February 2009

..March 2009

..April 2009

..May 2009

..June 2009

..July 2009

..August 2009

..September 2009

..October 2009

..November 2009

..December 2009

..January 2010

..February 2010

..March 2010

..April 2010

..May 2010

..June 2010

..July 2010

..August 2010

..September 2010

..October 2010

..November 2010

..December 2010

..January 2011

..February 2011

..March 2011

..April 2011

..May 2011

..June 2011

..July 2011

..August 2011

..September 2011

..October 2011

..November 2011

..December 2011

..January 2012

♠ Talk to Me

♠ Plays

♠ Spy

♠ Credits

Designer - LiTtL3 aH mA
Hoster - Photobucket