Thursday, April 30, 2009
@ 5:10 PM

Singapore is not yet affected by swine flu wah???
than how come back to the SARS period again...
we have to bring our ODT everyday started from today until further notice...
and a lots of ppl fet flu recently....
even my Geography teacher David keep on sneezing before the lecture starts..
and guess thats y no one dare to seat at first 4 roles ...
whenever he sneezes ..we will tell each other he has swine flu....

16th May will be the MI official opening plus MI carnival....
is a whole day event and minister of MOE and defence minister will be the GOH :)
and the best thing is 18th May (Mon) will a holiday!!!!!
to compensate:)
and the previous Mon will also be a holiday cos vesak day ....
becos of this major event..
we smell the paint during every single class almost...
theres also a huge new slope in the hall...which take up alot of space..
guess they will put red carpet on that day o.O
even new paintings are put up in the art gallery ...

well i shall upload some photo next time....
bye people!!!
dun 4 gt to labour hor...

ps:i hate Chinese...i realised i have limited Chinese vocab n all the nice phrases..
and now i am having problems describing certain things in chinese...
for my last essay...i had asked my Chinese teacher how to say inspiration in Chinese...
she's shocked! nx i asked her to translate "househoood brand".'dwindle' to chinese...
she stunned!!!

well i am just dumpimg evrything i have leart in Econs to the chinese essay
I love Econs!!!
I love Business studies!!!
ohya still gt math hor...
how can i 4gt that...

I would want to live longer...

Tuesday, April 28, 2009
@ 5:43 PM

Swine flu swine flu swine flu
when can we have our holidays???
i still rmb during SARS period school closed down for more than 1 month...
and i slept the entire month almost...
tell u a secret: i had a very high fever during SARS period...39.5...
tot i got SARS at that time..
but now i realised that there are nicer ways to die....

i am in love with h2 math recently..
and get 13/15 for the previous test...
thats is sooo lousy i tell u...
biang when can i get full marks ??????
honestly i dun like the math test these days...
15 marks for 3 qns and complete it within 1 period.
i'd rather have 10 qns for 2 periods Amath test that kind....
and the qns are very right shd do it with your eyes FULLY closed ...
hais wish one day i could make NO careless mistakes...not minimise careless mistakes...
somehow i still miss mdm Lee's math class...well not that boring...
btw i am addicted to sketching!!!!!!!

I would want to live longer...

Monday, April 27, 2009
@ 5:01 PM

我知道 我知道
我不后悔 一点都不后悔我的O level 成绩
告诉你 我现在过得挺好




I would want to live longer...

Friday, April 24, 2009
@ 4:42 PM

别装了.. oooO

inside library




Geography DRQ workshop...on last sat and this sat...
super damn boring ..
fell asleep during last week workshop..
the chairs are damn nice 2 seat in lo...

Left: Desmond(my co-HT)
Right: David..


3rd floor locker

My previous locker 591..
shifted to 592 ytd

me ,susie and kaijiao


Cant u see he Sheng Song plastic bags

English Week Fashion Parade(using recycled material)
09B4 win the 1st place wo...


I would want to live longer...

Monday, April 20, 2009
@ 5:00 PM

omg i was so shocked by my 1st GP essay grade...
at first mrs leong said this timed assignment is badly done...
the guess wat?? i get 2nd in class !!!
and yet the marks is so horrible ..23/50..
hais y cant she jus give me 2 more marks ???
well i should use examples from Singapore ...not America and Japan..:(
biang aei lousy....
and and Ah cat is so fierce 2day lo...
"C******, do u need scotch tape?"
nothing wrong 2 be talkative wah...
she will isolate me sooner or later..
then during MOB .."one more time i see u talking ..u stand outside the classroom"
wao lao...
nowdays get threatening v easily ....
either isolate u or stand outside the classroom....
worst still...u wan me to slap ur mouth???
Wed math test again..
u know ...雪耻..
wait for my good news.....

ps :

do you have anything 1 to sell??to earn pocket $ for yourself?
if you were interested contact me ASAP...
becos i can put ur goods in MI Mart..
terms and conditions are negotiable

and tis year theres no overseas merchandising trip for MI Mart ..
btw last year they went to Bangkok

I would want to live longer...

Friday, April 17, 2009
@ 1:48 PM

bloody hell la...
we need to prepare the MI carnival and MI mart in the same time???
and we suppose 2 submit business plan???
honestly i don like planning..same goes when writing essays..
the plan or frame or wadever will dry up all my creativity juice..
plus this years MI mart will be at either Junction 8 or plaza sin..
fucking rule said that we cant compete with the retailers in the shopping mall...
and becos its is a school project ..we don need to pay the sky-high rental..thats good...

As we are business students so we r expected to earn my profit and develop proper biz plans...
omg which rule said that???
btw the profit we earn goes to our own pocket....
umm thats a motivation..:)
as the "Marketing Manager"..
i am supposed to cum up interesting ideas to promote the products..
thats cool right??????
u nv know how creative i can be :)

one of new habit is to preview Math notes and try the qns...
so when Ah cat ask 4 volunteers to do on the board ...
than i can grab all the glory...:)
BUT theres this COPYCAT ..hes a male...
he copy me u know ???he oso did the qns and he din do the qns initially!!!!

I would want to live longer...

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
@ 2:35 PM

edited by kai jiao:)

ok fine i am talkative..
2period of math lessons today..Ah Cat called my name like almost 10 times???
cos i jus cant stp talking...
she will kill me someday...or "C********, get of the class!"
as if i will bored to death...
she pointed the factorial sign and asked us how to read that...
i said exclamation mark!!haha thats so funny..
of cos she said she corrected la...
then after that she start saying the word "exclamation " as well...thats good :)
but she added "Thanks la C********"...
whole klass turned and look at me +.+

skipped PE class with Hui Ping ytd...
there mus be a bitch in the class had sabo us...
cos tues de PE teacher normally won notice...
ok i shall stop talking abt this...dun want to be raciest..

I would want to live longer...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009
@ 5:08 PM

skip class is sooooooooooo fun...
ok dun worry is jus PE lesson today...and its my first time...:)
not bcos i dun wan to run ...
is the fact that i nid 2 save my energy for the taekwondo grading exam later...
and the weather is super hot cos of the stupid sun..
i will gonna get my new colour belt!!!!! :))))

on the way back home jus now...
i saw si ning..she's my Primary 4 classmate...
and i am so surprised she still rmb me lo...
we r only classmate for 1 year and we r not close at all...
and some more tt year is my 1st year in singpore lo...
she said she saw me alot of times jus she din call me...
anw i am able to recall her name quickly on the not 2 disappoint any1....

ok i shall sleep now..Z...Z...Z....

I would want to live longer...

Thursday, April 9, 2009
@ 5:17 PM

well guess i din mention that i have changed my name officially...
umm not change exactly ..
is jus a English name in front...
and i don like it cos its very girlly...
so only my Chinese teacher call me by my Chinese name...
well i really don like it...and its very very troublesome to change ones name...
i shall not tell u..anyw it starts with C....

made colour contact ytd...
going 2 wear on Mon...
i think my degree has decreased...
well i choose 2 colour..left eye cool green while right eye is some kind of purple...
purposely made it 2 colour..
guess its ok to wear tinted lenses...
cos its not stated on the sch handbook tinted lens is not allowed...

anw am i that talkative???
basically i talk to the person sitting next to me for all the lessons...even during math...
Ah cat is quite pissed off...u know...
thats y i get this peculiar threatening...
"C*********, u want me to shoot u with the rubber band?"
my god...shoot me with the rubber band....mummy!!!!

first Geog test next Thur...omg i am so excited!!!!!
ok let me tell u something new!!!...
if a teacher is scolding u...or nagging or lecturing etc.
and u want to get off asap...
the way is CRY ON THE SPOT...

umm i shd go back 2 my CCA-drama club..since i like 2 talk...
and i realised that i have no problem crying on the spot..
how wonderful...
shd realised it earlier

I would want to live longer...

Monday, April 6, 2009
@ 5:00 PM

During GP lessons today...
mrs leong aka zookeeper asked us to do peer marking...
each person nid 2 mark 3 times...
which means there will be 3 person marking your paper...well fine..
the last marker of my essay is damn fucking asshole lo..
she said i used too many complex word...
oh please lo your english lousy u blame other ppl de???
apparently she dun under what i am talking abut bcos the word i used is too diffuclt for her...
and i read her essay too...
my god..her essay is like a piece of shit....
i am sure she will fail her GP during A level
and she dare to put please elaborate more on my paper...
my god....fuck her ass man....
this is what i call suay!!!!....
well i cant say that my GP essay is flawless becos ever1 has different POV...
but the way i have expressed myself plus all the Word i used ...
if your standards lousy me ..please dun comment anything ..u dont have the right...

anyway after these weeks in MI..
i realised that MI is better than Hillgrove..
esp the students r not childish..they dont chasing each other for no reasons...
but i still miss Hillgrove alot..
esp the canteen:)
MI canteen not bad one ok...
the good thing is my hairstyle is acceptable in MI...:)
but the comments from the teachers are all the same...
i am a very talkative person...
umm thats great!!!...i want to be talkative....:)
so during the 3 period of math today...
Ah cat gets very pissed wif me...
becos i keep on talking talking n talking...non-stop...
ya she's angry with me...
after that i pointed out some "printing mistakes"..frome the next chapter...
becos i have previewed my work in advance...
so she tried the question ..dan ya theres a mistake...
but then theres still mistakes in the next question
ok nvm she will have to face the mistake sooner or later..

PS :MOB test tmr is a postponed test on Business Objectives

I would want to live longer...

Wednesday, April 1, 2009
@ 2:17 PM


虽然math test不及格在我意料之中




尤其是在E1的两年 早已经到了麻木的地步

从我上学的第一天起到Sec 2...

但是自从Sec3 换成Mdm Lee 以后


反而好像吓到Ah Cat....:(



I would want to live longer...

♠ The Master

03 Nov 1990
Love travelling
and geography

♠ Sweeties


♠ Non-Sweeties


♠ Dreamer

Faculty of Arts and Social Science-Geography

White grand piano
♠ F.B.I


♠ Reminiscence

..September 2008

..October 2008

..November 2008

..December 2008

..January 2009

..February 2009

..March 2009

..April 2009

..May 2009

..June 2009

..July 2009

..August 2009

..September 2009

..October 2009

..November 2009

..December 2009

..January 2010

..February 2010

..March 2010

..April 2010

..May 2010

..June 2010

..July 2010

..August 2010

..September 2010

..October 2010

..November 2010

..December 2010

..January 2011

..February 2011

..March 2011

..April 2011

..May 2011

..June 2011

..July 2011

..August 2011

..September 2011

..October 2011

..November 2011

..December 2011

..January 2012

♠ Talk to Me

♠ Plays

♠ Spy

♠ Credits

Designer - LiTtL3 aH mA
Hoster - Photobucket