Wednesday, September 30, 2009
@ 5:07 PM

Gosh!!!Argh save me....
i think i really fell in love with SOME1 I AM NOT SUPPOSED TO FELL IN LOVE WITH!!
gosh no...
wad i am suppose 2 do???
my Promo2 nx week and and
oh shit i just cant stop myself from thinking abt him
ok tell u wad
if i floundered my Promo2
it will be all his fault ok
all his fault..his fault and his fault...HIS HIS HIS
if i did extremely well
it will be all his credit ok
all his ....
just pray my hard Geo get A la ok
no nt A..i must make it at least 83...
i need to concentrate...
concentration must be 100%
wait a moment..
i dun nid 2 pray..
cos i will get A trust me:)

I would want to live longer...

Tuesday, September 29, 2009
@ 4:07 PM

Moments that we shared
cannot be jotted down on paper
but nevertheless it was chemistry not vapour
you walked into my life
and made the deepest mark
this ignited the fire
which give birth to spark
when you are here
i have the world with me
it is heaven
i wish it could be eternity
As we are together
we'd capture under lock and key
and make a life in that house
which is ideal for you and me
However space do us apart
time do us apart
Responsibilities do us apart
my heart bleed to see u depart
only when u are here with me again
will that hollowness disappear

I would want to live longer...

Friday, September 25, 2009
@ 7:02 PM

everything happening around me just irritates me
with Promo2 at the doorstep
the teachers haven finish the syllabus!!
do u find its sound abit funny?
we alr have 3 yrs
yet the teachers are still nid to rush...
i dun understand hus fault is this
teacher's fault?
student's fault?
or time's fault?
nx week exam then this week haven finish the lessons
haha how interesting...
the more i tink abt it
the funny it gets
i have no idea whads the purpose of the exams
i feel like just walk into the examination hall
sit down
write my name on the paper
hand in to the (bastard/bitch) teacher
then walkout the hall

I would want to live longer...

Thursday, September 24, 2009
@ 7:26 PM

i think i went crazy during the geo test today
and i am certainly back 2 normal now
maybe is becos i am too excited for the test until
my mind became twisted
hais poor me
i dun want to mention it anymore hais
better dun get it back as i dun want to know wad kind of marks i get hais

I would want to live longer...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
@ 6:47 PM

MY fateful week

05 Oct -Management of Biz

06 Oct -Economics

07 Oct -Geography

08 Oct -Mathematics

everything will be done within this 4 days
maybe i shd just relax myself
Whatever will be..will be..

I would want to live longer...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
@ 4:58 PM

poor me
only get 8/10 for MOB test...
wth its really a v easy test
hais this only show how imperfect i am
just beccos i din wrote span of control for marketing is 3
instead what i wrote is 3 subordinate will be reporting 2 the marketing manager
isnt the same??wahlao
"u must write it down to show me u understand it blah blah blah'"
hais poor me...
anw i really hate the PE department in MI
always like to emphasis their importance
but so what...
too bad we dun nid to pass napfa or whatever crap to get into the Uni
and i am perfectly healthy with full attendance...
what ur can say???useless Pe teacherS...
go home fuck ur mother la..
Pe teachers shd not exist at all..bcos their work done is ZERO !!!
and always like to use MOE to emphasis on how important they are...狐假虎威
group of useless idiots..
头脑简单 四肢发达
ohya the funny thins is i dun understand y the pe teachers are so fat???
and so short as well..
shdn there be a height limit?
even i am taller than all the Pe teachers

PS: i am still wondering how come MdmLEE(L cube) can reduce the size of her handwriting to
that shape..

I would want to live longer...

Sunday, September 20, 2009
@ 6:16 PM

very sian
Promo 2 around the corner
mugging alr started
as time slipped away from my fingers
i am getting excited
i am really excited about the exams
u know ever since i gt back my econ test paper...
i realised
Anger has evolved to Hunger..Hunger for A or rather better A
i dun want to get like wad Mr Lai said "B++" anymore
thats really v irritaing u know...
my results are like 68,69 ..with luck 70 ,71 , 72
i dun want to be on the margins
how to secure A if tt is the conditon???
otoh studying is really sian lo...
i tink i nid some motivation b4 all my energy drained away by>>>
and thanks 2 u...
love is really the best motivation which i can get from u...
pls stay there..
next sun is taekwondo grading exam
yay !!!
after this exam i will be qualified to the sparring level...
i really LOVE U..

I would want to live longer...

Saturday, September 19, 2009
@ 6:17 PM

Love makes me strong

Anger and Passion bring out the best side

如果 爱真的变成了动力


I would want to live longer...

Monday, September 14, 2009
@ 4:40 PM

i am utterly disappointed with my econ essay test...
despite the fact tt mr Lai told us the qns..
yet i still cant get A...i hate this...
alright there are only 2 grades in my dictionary..
either A or U
so to translate for the last econ test this yr ..i get an U grade ..NICE
if i cant get A for this simple test plus knowing the qns b4 the actual test..
i have no idea what kind of belief will makes me think i can get "A" during exams...
thats y i am very disappointed and angry...
moreover i have set one more special condition for the A grade ...
which is one of my targets as well...and i dun want to mention i am still far away frm it...
really utterly disappointed...
so i am here today to promise U
what i have lost in this test..
i will get it back at least double during promos 2 ...
pls wait for it ...
u know me well...
Anger and Passion will bring out the best side...

I would want to live longer...

Monday, September 7, 2009
@ 8:09 AM












I would want to live longer...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009
@ 2:39 PM

sian lo ...
everytime change time table...nabei...
so tmr will be using mon timetable...
sian la...
3periods of math with cat on complex NO...oh gosh!!!
i'd rather have my geo lessons PE
i am really pissed off whenever going for math lessons...
we r havingno time blah blah blah ...
as if other classes have more time,,,
to save time omg...she teachs 1 qns and skip 1 qns ..teach skip teach and skip
wads the purpose for completing the syllabus while we dun even understand it???
or finish it the day b4 promos 2..
how exciting hah???
the teacher finish the lessons day b4 exams...
so wad if really have no time??
other math teachers are still collecting assiments...
willing 2 slow down...
y my math teacher is her ar...shit
ohya nv in my life cum across with a such careless math teacher...
students are supposed 2 check her careless mitakes..wth!!!
think nx time i also can be a math teacher liao....
anw enough for the crap...
its tme for me to mugging for promos 2
it gonna be an exciting exam for mi...
u see we din have much time for last min revision
while the teachers are so nice by purposli adding in another chapter for math..haha thanks...
i love challenges
exciting isnt???
ok my target for promos 2 is :
4As for my 3H2 and 1 H1
MT dont nid mention....
As for Gp ..Kira will make the desicion...i will listen to u..:)

I would want to live longer...

♠ The Master

03 Nov 1990
Love travelling
and geography

♠ Sweeties


♠ Non-Sweeties


♠ Dreamer

Faculty of Arts and Social Science-Geography

White grand piano
♠ F.B.I


♠ Reminiscence

..September 2008

..October 2008

..November 2008

..December 2008

..January 2009

..February 2009

..March 2009

..April 2009

..May 2009

..June 2009

..July 2009

..August 2009

..September 2009

..October 2009

..November 2009

..December 2009

..January 2010

..February 2010

..March 2010

..April 2010

..May 2010

..June 2010

..July 2010

..August 2010

..September 2010

..October 2010

..November 2010

..December 2010

..January 2011

..February 2011

..March 2011

..April 2011

..May 2011

..June 2011

..July 2011

..August 2011

..September 2011

..October 2011

..November 2011

..December 2011

..January 2012

♠ Talk to Me

♠ Plays

♠ Spy

♠ Credits

Designer - LiTtL3 aH mA
Hoster - Photobucket