Wednesday, October 28, 2009
@ 3:55 PM

i am quite upset these few days
the results are out
i am in the 2nd position from PU1 cohort
upset not because i have expected to top the level
because i knew how much efforts i have put in
esp the days before exams i wasnt too focus on studies
so when u didnt gave your best try
i believe if u were me
there will be only one word to describe you: Regret
however i promise you
i will do even better next year
PU2 in MI will be a challenging year
i am looking forward to it
we will wait and see the final :]

I would want to live longer...

Monday, October 26, 2009
@ 7:55 AM

Alright !!
today is 26 Oct
the day for O level English
no school today as it is promotional day
but i need to go school later for the exam
this is so werid
the feeling for retaking is sooo different from last year lei...
anw according to most of the English teachers
this year suppose 2 b a difficult paper
because last year was an easy one
and yet i got D7
how great isn't??
i am proud of it
there are not alots of people getting D7 anw
this is call
Learn , Care and make a difference
you know
Make a difference

I would want to live longer...

Thursday, October 22, 2009
@ 4:26 PM

i am back here blogging! after Promo 2 and 2 days of Post exam activities..
normal lessons resumed today..
well hmm results are coming out soon...
i just want to say i do wish 09B4 to get promoted as a class
but certain classmates i hope i will not be seeing them next year
i am really sorry i said this
but one thing being ONLY BOOK SMART is that
i will pass my exams and do not nid to worry about promotion
i miss secondary life
i miss 4e1...because back then that was a class...a real class
when the teacher asked to spread a message such as changes in class room or LR
i tried my best to tell everyone even if i wish u to get retained
but what my friends and i get back today is NOTHING
so i just suppose your think that we knew the changes la hah...
see nice classmates i have...this is 09B4 under Joanne Leong's lead
but NVM!!!!15 mins late only mah ..miss the nagging

before Econ lessons started this morning
Mr Lai called me to go outside the classroom with him
honestly i was damn scared..hmm i think this is the problem of being ONLY BOOK SMART
well i shall not say anything about what he said...
but after i heard it and went through some corrections..
the only thing i want to do is to find that Bitch Miss chin and that teacher who is so scared of women
and fight with them until they beg for death !!!
i told Mr Lai about this just like some kind of 埋怨
i din expect him to do anything anyway everything is over
but he looked at me with some kind of weird expression that i duno how 2 explain
anyway back to Bitch chin
rmb my previous post??actualli i just lost 1 mark..well 1 mark no big deal
but what i 've realised that what i lost are more than what i have expected
there are 3 extract in total
due to anger i did not realise there is extract 3..this is a very sad mistake
as last qns in case study is based on extract 3 and it is 10 marks
i answered the qns as if it is a contextual&content knowledge qns..
the extract3 are there to provide me with supporting details and i din saw it during exam
so whos fault ?
bitch chin's
i am sure i can get at least 8 marks
i have lost some marks for sure...
and i lost something that is very expensive in the journey of studying Econs
because of bitch chin
but still the old phrase : i give it to you

I would want to live longer...

Saturday, October 17, 2009
@ 5:51 PM


I would want to live longer...

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
@ 5:40 PM


















I would want to live longer...

Friday, October 9, 2009
@ 9:20 AM




我只觉得很累 想好好睡觉

但却又怎么都睡不着 可能是太兴奋的关系

所以我就开始狂读借来的小说 绕雪漫的作品




她的文字 就像一只柔软的箭





I would want to live longer...

Tuesday, October 6, 2009
@ 12:15 PM

go home fuck u father la bitch!!
u call urself a teacher ar???
gosh man gosh!!!
as time slipped away from my finger
i am having no idea abt the definition of the word
i tink it shd be re-termed as bitch and bastard
wads wrong with borrowing a calculator during Econ paper??
look carefully is Econ not Math...
i dun care whether i am supposed to borrow
all i know this is an internal exam with our own school teachers
and i rmb wad ah cat said on the last math class
the teacher will go around the school and find a calculator for u
i don expect the teacher to go around the school becos they are not tt nice
but i did expect the bitch 2 help me borrow 1
the bitch is MS CHIN
the reason y i add MS in front is i dun bother to find out bitch's name
and as 4 u
ms chin
if u tink by wad have u done 2day will stop me from getting A
u are in a deep mistake
depending how the marks are allocated i might just lost 1 mark in the end
at most 2 marks
u think tt 2 marks matters alot to me???
i give it to u...
listen i give it to not u taken it away from me...
i know i am nt ur student
so does it implies u dun me to get A????
u call urself a teacher ???
i wonder how many A grader u can produce in UR class esp in a school like MI
its good for me that u are not my teacher
and bad for u that i am not ur student
if mr Lai were in the hall today at the moment
he will definitely help any students tt asked the same qns including me
dun worry i will still get A for Econs
ur attempt is useless:)

and u r a BITCH

I would want to live longer...

Monday, October 5, 2009
@ 12:30 PM

Great 1 exam is down and 3 more to go
just finished my Management of Biz paper
thanks to mr sham who had dropped alots alots and alots of hints in class
i tink is not too much 2 ask for an A grade
anyway i do hope i can get A la of cos
and my A is 85 and above
hmm its not too greedy to chase after 85 isnt?
hais poor me
actually i din spet too much time on today's paper
i spend my weekend studying Geography and doing other stuff
until i am having an over dosage of Geography i tink
because when i supposed to write the word " debts"
i wrote "debris" instead =(
and and
my math ..oh math dear math
i din practice it for duno how long le
although i did quite well in the class tests
but the class tests r really v easy lo...
hais math is something tt will rust
ok nvm i shall concentrate on Econs first
whatever will be...will be

I would want to live longer...

Friday, October 2, 2009
@ 8:23 PM


和你一起的相爱的日子 与你一起的岁月

只爱你一个人的日子 我生存的理由只有你



不得不离开你 现在该放你走 该离开你

我再也不会回头看 再也不回头望


求你告诉我那不是爱情 在视线中远去


只抱着撕裂的伤痛而活着也好 宁愿抱着撕裂的心活着

最后只能忍气吞声, 紧闭双唇 终于忍住了眼泪 咬住嘴唇

狠心说着和你没有关系 狠心的说与你无关

直到我闭上双眼的那天 依然会思念你

最终仍然在思念中 直到生命的最后一刻

后悔今天送走了你 后悔今天把你放走



紧紧抱住你的那个人 看来不是我 对不起


求你告诉我那不是爱情 (告诉我不是那个爱情)在视线中远去

只抱着撕裂的伤痛而活着也好 (宁愿抱着撕裂的心活着)

掠过的爱情啊, 洒落的眼泪啊 留下心灵深处只刻着那个名字

眼泪若是干涸, 心也会变得坚固 别让我再受伤

I would want to live longer...

♠ The Master

03 Nov 1990
Love travelling
and geography

♠ Sweeties


♠ Non-Sweeties


♠ Dreamer

Faculty of Arts and Social Science-Geography

White grand piano
♠ F.B.I


♠ Reminiscence

..September 2008

..October 2008

..November 2008

..December 2008

..January 2009

..February 2009

..March 2009

..April 2009

..May 2009

..June 2009

..July 2009

..August 2009

..September 2009

..October 2009

..November 2009

..December 2009

..January 2010

..February 2010

..March 2010

..April 2010

..May 2010

..June 2010

..July 2010

..August 2010

..September 2010

..October 2010

..November 2010

..December 2010

..January 2011

..February 2011

..March 2011

..April 2011

..May 2011

..June 2011

..July 2011

..August 2011

..September 2011

..October 2011

..November 2011

..December 2011

..January 2012

♠ Talk to Me

♠ Plays

♠ Spy

♠ Credits

Designer - LiTtL3 aH mA
Hoster - Photobucket